Saturday, December 12, 2020

Dream December 10th 2020

 It started on the street with a race.

In front of me were a few small children, between 8 and 12 years old. 

The ground we were on was bright, and visible on it were stones the size and color of a river rock - a deep blue.    

The children threw those stones and keep running, they were serious and determined to run and win the race.

When I realized that I was on a race track,  I started running and pick up one of those stones and threw it away, so that I do not stumble. 

Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me. 

Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:6) 

I was told that if I got lost to stay in my position and someone will come and meet me there. I was encouraged to run as fast as I could and that I would succeed. 

Apart from the children at the start of the race, I did not see any adults participating in this race that I was on. 

The only adults I could see running up the stairs in a deserted building was a couple having sex. 

I arrived at a big train station, it reminded me of the Mitte District in Berlin/ Germany. There were many attractions and many things could be done while waiting for the train. 

Here I was in the company of my husband and childhood friends from Romania; we were all waiting in front of a restaurant and we decided to go in and break bread together. 

After that, I went for a walk and passed by a grocery store that was abundant in supply but through the window I could see that the olive oil was missing. So I went inside and looked for it, I found it and brought it to the front area for people to see it next to the spaghetti pasta. 

 Olive oil is one of the major Christian symbol besides 
water  & wine  

I was asking one of my friends, "why do you change your clothes so often?"  Personally, I only do this about 2 or 3 times a day and than I shared with her that I no longer eat as much as I used to. She replied that it makes her feel good every time she puts on a new dress and that she doesn't eats as much either.


The evening came and the train arrived, we started running towards it surrounded by a multitude of people. I remember my husband holding my hand and pushing us forward and we advanced through the crowd and got on the train.  

I was trying and hoping to take a look at my friends' faces and see them, but many of them were pushed back by the crowd. I was wondering why my friend's husband doesn't hold her hand like my husband does so that they don't get separated. 

My friend barely made it to the train and her husband was left behind. This train was huge and had several flights of stairs before reaching the top. I took a sit on the stairs and from above I noticed all of the people pushing each other to get on the train but without succeeding. 

Some of my friends who were in the crowd on the train platform, start running away from those people and with joy on their faces shouted : "I will see you at the next stop!" 

All over sudden for a short moment I saw my sister inside the train next to me, I was so surprised by this that I asked her: "what are you doing here - how did you made it here?" And then a yellow spider climbs up on her leg coming towards me and I began to scream and told her to smash it.  

Later I saw that my friend placed a basket on the floor in which her baby was kept and a stranger placed her bag on the floor next to the child. 

As the people on the train began to sit on the stairs looking at the crowd outside, I looked inside the train and saw a small number of people. The train was not at full capacity, most people on the board were on the stairs and the train left leaving many behind. 

As the train took off, I was overjoyed and shouted that I was finally feeling European. I felt like I was going home in a far-off land. 

~ Europe in ancient Greek language means wide face or wide gazing ~ 

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